Our Newest Mesa Pet Sitter, Melissa!
Welcome Melissa, our newest Mesa Pet Sitter who joins our incredible Critter Caretakers Mesa Pet Sitting team!
Melissa will be a great addition as she will provide primary cover to new pet sitting clients, and secondary cover to our existing Mesa Pet Sitters. Melissa will also be covering local cities such as Pet Sitting in Apache Junction and other pet sitting territories towards West Phoenix and the West Valley.
As a Pet Sitter in Mesa, Andrea comes with lots of varied experience with animals. Whilst we will be finding out much more about her in the future, for now biography states:
“Melissa was born and lived in Ohio until 2018. She is married and has 4 grown kids and 4 cats: Apollo, Augustine Flynn, Amelia Bedelia and Dahlia. She likes to hike and is attempting to learn to play frisbee golf. She is also a member of two book clubs”.
We are excited to welcome Melissa to the team!