Summer has come to Chandler once again! Yes, it’s HOT, and you know the signs that tell you you’re overheated and may be headed for heatstroke, but can you tell when your kitty is in heat distress? Do cat’s even get heat stroke? Your Chandler cat sitter can tell, and is here to help you identify the signs of heatstroke in your cat because just like people and dogs, cats can and do suffer from heat stroke.
As the temperature rises, it’s just as important for kitty to have a cool place to relax, as it is for you. Your furry friend also needs constant access to fresh, cool water. You know how much you sweat as your body temperature rises, you’ll see Kitty leaving sweaty footprints on the floor as she sweats through the pads in her paws. She’ll pace around restlessly trying to find a cool place, and may begin drooling and over grooming to try and cool herself off. If your cat is showing any of these signs, it’s time to get her to a cool place with plenty of water for her to drink.
As your kitty’s temperature begins to rise, you will see more serious signs of heat distress. These can include rapid breathing and panting, lethargy, staggering around in confusion, and vomiting. If you find Kitty exhibiting any of these symptoms, she must be placed in cool water immediately and given as much water to drink as she wants. You’ll also need to get her to a vet as soon as possible.
If heatstroke has set in and your cat is unconscious, or having seizures, it is important to get kitty to the vet immediately. Again, place her in cool water and place bags of ice or frozen vegetables around her for the trip. Your vet will begin IV fluids immediately to bring kitty’s body temperature down.
Can heatstroke be avoided? ABSOLUTELY! Always make sure your cat has somewhere to cool off and escape the heat. Never leave kitty in a hot car, or outside when the temperature rises. Remember, you feline friend is walking around in these temperatures wearing a fur coat, not a sleeveless tank top! Did you know cats and dogs can get heat stroke even if they are in a shaded area with water? Your Chandler cat sitter strongly recommends you keep your kitty inside where it is cool whether at home or when you are away, to avoid putting your furry loved one through the risk of heat stroke.